The brief for the foreshore called for the creation of a Piazza space that would become a key civic space for the community and a gateway to South Perth. Located on the banks of the Swan River the project can be seen from Elizabeth Quay and Kings Park and provides a range of unique amenities for residents, local businesses and visitors. The Piazza’s revitalisation fulfils the City’s vision of the foreshore hosting high-quality spaces for civic and ceremonial events. The place has become a destination that welcomes visitors and commuters to South Perth.

2020 AILA WA Landscape Architecture Award of Excellence Category: Civic Landscape
2020 AILA WA Landscape Architecture Award Category: Tourism
2020 International Association for Public Participation Core Values Award Category: Planning and Design Phase
2020 AIA WA The Iwan Iwanoff Award Category: Small Project
2020 AIA WA Commendation Category: Lighting