HESPERIA (Linc+Fini) proposes a comprehensive and dynamic mixed use development for Victoria House that will anchor the overall Montario Quarter Precinct, featuring an abundance of thoughtful local amenity and complemented by medium density affordable and adaptable living.

Core to the vision for Victoria House is to create a major hospitality and ancillary retail operation which includes many facets and uses that cater for a highly diverse and eclectic market. This component will be the major catalyst in activating the entire Montario Quarter. The space will become the meeting place for lifestyle and convenience for the entire community, in particular on weekends. These uses will take advantage of both the internal heritage buildings and the external spaces.

Complimentary to the hospitality operation will be a diverse and forward thinking residential component within and extending from the building. The highly effective and innovative residential product will feature efficient apartment products and an abundance of creative and flexible common areas for residents. The product will showcase the smarts of using space efficiently and creatively.


2023 UDIA Awards of Excellence: Design Excellence Award

2023 UDIA Awards of Excellence: Medium Density Development

2024 AILA WA Landscape Architecture Award: Gardens